remember this photo? he is BFSH.
his record label 89268 is now hosting a photo exhibition @ Central.
i am glad to be invited to be one of the models.
they asked me to do whatever i want to the 'STAR'.
when i first looked at the shinning star, something popped in my mind: how about praying to it?
with a little help fr mr. photographer, my styling muse Jimmy Brave...
(oops, she used needle and thread to hold the hair piece on my hair...
quite a weird feeling i had)

and... here u go!
come take a look @ Central Fridge club Economist Gallerynow!
come take a look @ Central Fridge club Economist Gallerynow!
地 點 ︰ 中 環 藝 穗 會 The Economist Gallery
日 期 ︰ 7 月 4 日 至 16 日
時 間 ︰ 12:00 nn - 10:00 pm ( 星 期 日 及 公 眾 假 期 休 息 )
查 詢 ︰ 2331 3220
日 期 ︰ 7 月 4 日 至 16 日
時 間 ︰ 12:00 nn - 10:00 pm ( 星 期 日 及 公 眾 假 期 休 息 )
查 詢 ︰ 2331 3220
so stylish~~~
u r cool, chi ~~~
Oh~~ you r so cool and sexy!!
得閒過中環睇下先 :)
芝,不如set anonymous 都可以post comment 啦~~~咁冇gmail嗰d都可以用嘛!
G,can't wait to read your new book and 讀書會!
btw,where is new column?
support 89268, thanks for sharing!
>>>capricorn said...
芝,不如set anonymous 都可以post comment 啦~~~咁冇gmail嗰d都可以用嘛!
>>>g:多謝你的意見,已改了 setting。各位如有其他意見緊記留言告知。感動中~~~
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