我一直在想, "卓韻芝" 可能是香港的其中一個 reality show ——大家對卓韻芝從少便認識,就想看看究竟這條女搞什麼:
轉個頭......她又不結婚了,她搞了個很傻瓜的藝術企劃叫做 ,咩嚟架?
你不一定喜歡這個人,但不介意八卦一下 "她最近怎樣呢?"。
這是為什麼我覺得"卓韻芝" 是香港的其中一個 reality show,說到尾——很尷尬,但不得不承認——我其實是一個 "童星" (滴汗)。(shit, 我寫完再滴多一滴汗 -.-' )
這個 reality show, 最後會怎樣?我也不知道,因為我也是其中一位觀眾。
致電與美國有緊密聯系的朋友們,探探路,嗅嗅那裡有 cool people。
以下是剛才與朋友們商討出來的其中一些 art school名單:
SVA (School Of Visual Arts)
之後會怎樣?一定是 art school 嗎?一定是 NY?哈天我怎麼知道?都說我是觀眾咯,就走著瞧吧。
yeah yeah yeah
We all accompany u ...... SO
Lets wait & See
Just keeping updates
同校同學你好呀嘻嘻! 你仍有保存這套校服嗎? 我的還保存在衣櫃底裡 :)
由一位了解芝既朋友揀, 或者事情會簡單啲. 余生有無idea呢?
one step at a time, you will certainly get here.
best of luck.
Dear Chi,
Really admire u!!
Cos' I'm studying fine art now here in HK, and dreaming about one day I can fly away to oversea for study. NYU is one of my choice. Your act enlightened me!!Please do share more your experience during these times! You're really my Idol!!
From now on, I think I should work harder and save more $$ lu~
Good Luck & Best wishes to you!!
加油呀 gi
你打完"-.-", 有冇滴多一滴汗?
>>喂不如你拍港版the comeback 0Y
>>最後會唔會報個海外遙距函授cyber課程, 再去一轉ny一頭半個月旅行就當係呢?
there is a new web-based reality series in vouge.tv in Aug 19 called Model.Live
about life of 3 new IMG models^^
read my blog for more details la!
haha~~ a pretty student ma~~ ^^
watching your reality show, always looking forward what you will do/say....
Enjoy your life
Ha haa ~
都好似你咁樣由 plan 至到去都每日寫上 Blog la , XDDDDDDD
不如~唔知點解入左parsons,唔知點解識左Tim~再唔知點解玩做project runway~~咁就真係知點解係reality show~
芝芝芝芝芝,I miss your voice..~
好好, 支持你~~ have a new start!!
btw, 其實我同你於facebk有一面之緣..
see you~
我係由細睇就開始睇呢個reality show, 恭喜你即將去外國讀書, 祝你搵到間好好既學校, 又有一個愉快既校園生活~
等住繼續睇你呢個reality show的人上
你讀ARTS,邊科先?電視電影?定Fine Arts呢?
I hope you won't be hanging out too much with the oversea Asian community. :P
應該是從,芝c 菇 bi 我有個頭同我未成年開始吧!
RISD is another choice in east coast.
hey I am going to pratt this fall, fine arts freshmen, FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) is another good art school here in NYC.
good luck
hi,i am planning to apply for Parsons too =D
童星?! 壓力好大ga bor...
「ellawawa said...
不如~唔知點解入左parsons,唔知點解識左Tim~再唔知點解玩做project runway~~咁就真係知點解係reality show~」
哈哈我都係咁諗, 不如亞芝你入 parsons 拍埋亞 tim 爺搞另一個 project
sounds like the opening few lines of symphony for the devil :)
here it goes:
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a (wo)man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long years
Stole many a man's soul and faith
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
miss your voice a bit, i bet we just keep in touch with your books, blogs and other media.
what are you going to study? don't tell me you don't know! you always have something in mind, right? and why NY? even why US?
those you listed are famous schools, good program.... but NY!? it just like HK, culture-wise.
don't come to US, search something in Europe, anywhere in Europe will be better. think about it.....
Art, fashion, music, history, graphic, interior, architecture....which categories you think US is better than Europe?
two hundred years of US history just ain't enough.
do something different!
when everyone zigs, zag!
(quoted: Marty Neumeier, ZAG)
(don't think about Chicago, it's boring here)
轉個頭…卓韻芝要結婚生仔了, 恭喜恭喜!
support u~~
>>>.steven said...
由一位了解芝既朋友揀, 或者事情會簡單啲. 余生有無idea呢?
>>>>g: 余生的 comment 好實用:總之你唔好留喺道就得喇!
我知道你很掛念我的聲音,難奈,還得要奈。當這把聲音變成朋友,的確需要一點過度期。我沒有離開,人就在這裡。 keep in touch, keep on rocking. i love u.
re: ike cheung
>>>>g: u came fr chicago? hmm... windy city is not my consideration by now
hey G
think we maybe meet in US if u r not change plan again
i m doing same thg as u leave all stuff i hv in hk to go to outside to experience life
不是每個reality show 都有人長期收看,但你那個show, 捧場的大有人在
the show must go on!!!!!
希望這個 reality show 會是一個跨年代長壽節目, 陪伴你我終老
reality show?? 是 Truman Show 吧? XD
hv been reading ya books in a while
really happy that u get a new life
please keep updating the blogs even when u r not in hk =)
please keep making us ... umm ... " thinking "
wt makes u that brave ?
hi g,
i bought ur book(s) recently, the most amazin part is that could stimulate my brain works again...:-) anyhow, u wrote that "...becos we r not clever, thats y we should go study...", (of cos u r not stupid!) wht i admire is that the determination and humble thought (may be not la)within ur decision. hope this time would b another luvly memory as ur cycle trip in holland. (for ur info, i seldom laugh out esp. when i was in da public area whereas i did this when i was readin ur book in da mtr.)
all da best. j
努力呀 ! G
i think you are quite talented... best of luck in whatever you do!
ha.. welcome to blogspot !
g, like u a lot, esp fo wing and siu fu mui.
hope we can see ur works/projects soon.
re: g
don't consider US, search something in europe.
yes, i am hong konger in windy city
good luck & have fun
G, this will be a reality show that will never go away, and i'll be sure to stay in front of the tv to watch every episode!!
芝,思家得歸家呀!若然感覺完全超離所預期,好簡單,買張返香港嘅機票咪得囉!帶定罌萬秀倫敦薄荷過去呀,隨時夜欄人靜果陣時遇著有啲透不過氣嘅感覺好辛苦嫁,原本想去抖氣點知變咗相反呀。冇計啦,做童工出身嘅條路就係畸怪啲嫁啦,唔通叫你retired咩,雖然你財力方面都應該夠資格。既然上天賦與咗一個異於常人嘅腦荀俾你,你就得授命啦,化咗攞去幫人,唔好諗咁多喇,For what is a woman, what had she got? If not herself, then she had naught. You did it your way 呀! Take good care ar!!!
wellcome to the next chapter of your fantastic journey
百家姓典故25-卓:卓渊源于楚国 在山西省繁衍
Rhode Island school of art
Art Center
These 2 are famous art school in US.
g im wondering wt area u wanna study in art, and please do consider london hehe :3
New York:
FIT http://www.fitnyu.edu/
San Francisco:
p.s. I'm studying in California, missing your voice.
阿芝,你除左想入邊間art school外,
art 都分好多種.
唔好入到那間art school 先發現無自己想讀既那種art 讀哦.
設計 needs drawing ma?
G knows how to draw ka?
你就好喇, 可以去外國讀書仲要讀art, 好型. 話說我同你係同年既, 都有去外國讀書既計劃, 可能因為我冇出演香港既reality show, 所以拎唔到薪水去交費, 哈哈, 希望g你可以替我好好享受外國既校園生活, 記得要寫低比我地知喎.
喜歡你既節目, 喜歡你既聲音, 喜歡你既文字, 更喜歡你這個人. G, 努力!
haha... really all school are in NY wor! You wanna go to Art school? F.I.T. is ok ar, cheaper tuition tim~
i don't know. pick the one you love~
hey芝, 我是正在紐約讀設計的, 希望我的小小意見可以幫你.
SVA的Graphic Design與Computer Art比較有好&名氣, 要選讀related to compter/technology的Art科, SVA是不二之選. 它的Computer Lab也是impresive的. 由於它是紐約private art college中算使宜, 所以學生也很年輕, 十零二十出頭居多. 它的收生標準是比較低的. 很多有名的當代Graphic Design也在這理任教.
NYC的ART科多是performing art. 電影系非常地好, 美國四大電影學院之一. 校院分佈在lower manhattan, 放Break去Soho或Nolita行街仲得, NYU的校圓生活是每個New York學生都響往的.
Parsons的Fine Art可以說是全東岸最好(甚至全美國), 與RIT(Rochester Institute of Technology)齊名. 學生年齡較大. 較保守.
多數人修讀Pratt是為它的建築系/室內設計/industry design.
師資可能是你選擇重點之一, 其實很多professor是part-time的, 所以他可以Parson and pratt同時任教. 當然每間大學都有它的鎮店之寶.
我覺得最重要是學校環境&學術氣氛. 畢竟要在那裹待上幾年時間, 所以你要親自去體會才可下決定喔.
1) admission的deadline是不可全信. 因它們是收一個,無一個位, 而大部分人是在很早前就把所有東西寄去(有的是半年前), 臨近Deadline時位置己所剩無幾. 要一早就要寄去, 一次過連admission form and other requirment寄. 不要分數次.
2) 有些系只在fall term收新生, 要check清楚.
3) 要自己跟貼admission的過程, 有的學校是不提你有乜漏左, 有乜資料有咩問題, 不可坐定粒六等收信, 要不時打去admission office問.
4) International student是要考TOFEL的, TOFEL成績要一定以上.
5) 我想學費對你不是問題, 其實有很多Scholarship可以申請(私人/學校內), 而且可以同時領不同的Scholarship, 有些人是靠幾份scholarship夾夾埋埋去交學費.
我suggest你幾間都報埋, 到時去到紐約再決定也不遲. 紐約是讀art最好地方, 生活過一排就知, 彷彿每人都是artist, 從事art/deisgn/fashion related.
祝一路順風 From Himmy.
How about FIT and Cooper Union?
Better than Pratt and Parsons in reputation.
仲有仲有如想讀Fine Art的話, CUNY的Hunter College同Brooklyn College也不錯, 雖是州立大學,但學費平得多.
omg! i want to study @ NYU, 2
but i dun hv $$ ><
噢, 你實在太勤力, 睇唔徹你的野.....
轉個頭, 又會是甚麼呢?
俾d心機啦,support you
Donna WONG
This comment might be a little late.. but have u think of going to Art school in Los Angeles... I m gonna head to 'Art Center College of Design' this upcoming Fall... its a great school for Design... Fine Art as well... One thing I recommend doing is to take as many foundation classes as u can... (thats whats good about Los Angeles, you can find art&foundation classes everywhere) people might say its a waste of time but it is absolutely necessary. It will help you greatly as an artist in the long run. (well, i m about the same age as u do... so lets us 努力努力~!)
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