Born To Be A Witness #1 Tourists Photos 經已完滿完成。今期 Milk Magazine 成果全記錄。
here you go, the long long thank you list:
Dear Milk, tks for giving us 8 pages + cover, this is really hardcore.
Jimmy Brave, you are my enzyme, my travelling partner, my eye-disease-infector, my dearest whatsoever.
Learn, tks for being there, saying nothing, but inspiring.
Paul, tks for telling me that i am too polite to say tks. Paul, tks.
Marvin, yes i own you tons of $5 but... did i give them back to u last time when we played cards?
Tak, as an organized person, u must feel dizzy dealing with us. please dont leave me and pls finish our site asap...
LYF, tks for bringing that godzilla-sized video recorder that enough for shooting a feature film.
BiBi, dont worry, your voice and face will sounds and looks older after this project:P
Carmen, show me your new tan line!
Byron Lau~Hair stylist of 【A cowboy's work is never done】: tks for being a one-time-ad-hoc-saviour.
Tiff John John: save my bees for me, i will drink them next time.
Fay Yu, fay yu fay yu where are you?
Mr. Yue, tks for being a model who responsible for waking up the curator on the shooting day. (and btw here is how mr yue joined this project~ g text: wanna take part in my project? just wearing swimming trunks ok? Mr. yue text: ok. 縮肚。)
Bu, okokokureallylooklikeamilkmodelokokokokok...
Siu Yee, you love me. i know. so... when the hack is our drink?
Chu Fun, i love you and i love wing's car too. will he join us as a driver in the coming project?
Jessica: you know what, in some photos, u look punkish. Too bad that in the photos of you being punkish, we look too festive:P
Siu: tks for being sprayed by gay and virgin.
Lawrence: you are such a sweet guy. i am glad that i met you.
衣裳足玲姐甜姐, 蝦...我好似仲有衫未還...
Brian@HK Fixed, are u sure u dont wanna state what you lend us?
日新平哥: 感謝你在果欄跟我們派定心丸。
Steven: tks for lining up.
Rosalind Li, Ashley, Beverly Hebie Lam, Susanna Situ, BBL, Esther Ng
and all u guys sent tourist photos to me. after this #1, i find out that fans, readers and audiences are someone who support me for no reason, like my grandma. so tks again for being my grandma:P
here you go, the long long thank you list:
Dear Milk, tks for giving us 8 pages + cover, this is really hardcore.
Jimmy Brave, you are my enzyme, my travelling partner, my eye-disease-infector, my dearest whatsoever.
Learn, tks for being there, saying nothing, but inspiring.
Paul, tks for telling me that i am too polite to say tks. Paul, tks.
Marvin, yes i own you tons of $5 but... did i give them back to u last time when we played cards?
Tak, as an organized person, u must feel dizzy dealing with us. please dont leave me and pls finish our site asap...
LYF, tks for bringing that godzilla-sized video recorder that enough for shooting a feature film.
BiBi, dont worry, your voice and face will sounds and looks older after this project:P
Carmen, show me your new tan line!
Byron Lau~Hair stylist of 【A cowboy's work is never done】: tks for being a one-time-ad-hoc-saviour.
Tiff John John: save my bees for me, i will drink them next time.
Fay Yu, fay yu fay yu where are you?
Mr. Yue, tks for being a model who responsible for waking up the curator on the shooting day. (and btw here is how mr yue joined this project~ g text: wanna take part in my project? just wearing swimming trunks ok? Mr. yue text: ok. 縮肚。)
Bu, okokokureallylooklikeamilkmodelokokokokok...
Siu Yee, you love me. i know. so... when the hack is our drink?
Chu Fun, i love you and i love wing's car too. will he join us as a driver in the coming project?
Jessica: you know what, in some photos, u look punkish. Too bad that in the photos of you being punkish, we look too festive:P
Siu: tks for being sprayed by gay and virgin.
Lawrence: you are such a sweet guy. i am glad that i met you.
衣裳足玲姐甜姐, 蝦...我好似仲有衫未還...
Brian@HK Fixed, are u sure u dont wanna state what you lend us?
日新平哥: 感謝你在果欄跟我們派定心丸。
Steven: tks for lining up.
Rosalind Li, Ashley, Beverly Hebie Lam, Susanna Situ, BBL, Esther Ng
and all u guys sent tourist photos to me. after this #1, i find out that fans, readers and audiences are someone who support me for no reason, like my grandma. so tks again for being my grandma:P

dear you, thanks for being part of me, save this in your memory.
Born To Be A Witness #2. Get Ready?
Born To Be A Witness #2. Get Ready?
今日放工見到milk出左, 不過係另一個封面
G, support you always! Cheers, manman131 from Toronto =)
got milk and saw the pictures, really nice~
but too bad, the cover is Wyman, not G..... =(
昨天放工見到Milk出了,買了,馬上看了Born to be a witness! 太正了!!!支持你!!!
Great photos!
我終於睇左你喺度攪咩鬼, 實在有趣!
好笑!但又好靚, 好認真, 愈來愈覺得生活就是要呢種態度, 努力學先!
清晨(天文台 terms)已經見有, 買左... 但都唔係呢個封面~
u r so greattttt!!!
support u & support Born to be a witness!
congrat g (& all parties involved)
, nice work.
買左啦買左啦!!~~~~~ 嘿, 如果你唔講, 我真係唔會睇得出邊個係阿 Bu !
問: 余生o個條真係泳褲黎架?
妳學懂了舞空術? :P
為何在中環的一張, (個人的菲佛)
另, 記憶中你曾提及阿bu的動作是在打呵欠吧,
配合余生一枝向上舉的長鏡頭, 真曖昧.
: p
i thin the cover photo is edtied by PS
oh my God....!!!
i don't know have this cover...and i bought another one~~
anyway, the photos are so beautiful and funny... so crazy about the style....but i like...haha~~
嘩~ 入面有無穿打底褲啊!? 或是係連身泳衣? 好sexy 哦. 件衫再長d會好d bo~ 無咁色情.
got milk at once, n got the very best of g. great work, lady.
love the concept, nice photo
How to join this project
reli interest in
great job~
hope u hav free time to see my site also
Thanks so much
g, what you are going now is kinda "cultural studies"! 你應該讀的是文化研究而非Arts, 否則只是空有外殼而無思考的空間或內涵
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