i like this little animated film Don't Fuck With Love
Film by Rachel McIntosh & Jim Starace.
Photography by Dave Dias & Amy Hume.
Song written by Max Low and performed by The Sad Little Stars.
“Don’t Fuck With Love” , a stop-motion animated film set to the song of the same name by the group The Sad Little Stars. A Cautionary Tale in Three Fantastical Dimensions, Two Star-Crossed Lovers Flirt Their Way through a Magical and Luscious 1920's Paper Pop-Up New York City.
Here are the lyrics:
Don't fuck with love
Don't lead her on and think that's enough
So you think you're pretty tough
Don't fuck with love
Don't believe a thing they say
Don't let Johnny Mathis lead you astray
She makes a waste of the stars above
Don't fuck with love
Buy her rings and violets
Treat her like gold and you'll see what you get
First it may come as a gas
Till cupid that bitch puts a cap in your ass
Don't fuck with love*
太喜歡Stop motion!
但經老師調教後,才發現Stop motion的好!
力推: BLU
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