megumi satsu (japanese: 薩 めぐみ) is an eccentric singer born in sapporo, japan living in paris since the 1970s. she had the opportunity to sing some french poems written by the famous writer and poet jacques prévert. just a few years before dying, prévert saw satsu on tv; he was fascinated by her voice and her personality. he told his wife that satsu would be perfect for interpreting some of his unedited texts. prévert's wife contacted satsu after her husband died and the things happened.
satsu was a friend of jean baudrillard, the famous french sociologist. she is also inspired by the 30s when interpreting bertold brecht in french.
megumi satsu 薩 めぐみ - Give back my soul
in nov 09, she published her brand new album après ma mort.

megumi satsu myspace
Thank you for sharing! She is so cool!
how can i buy her album?
the album can be obtained via Megumi's official website www.megumisatsu.com
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