berlin fashion week

being a witness of berlin fashion week 2010...
berlin fashion week

maria thomas + thaos lindner = butterflysoulfire
berlin fashion week
penumbra and in-betweenness
berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

andrea van reimersdahl + rebekka braun = AVR :: van reimersdahl ::
berlin fashion week
a playful found objects transformation
berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

gregor marvel-wyrwich + christian heinrich + friends = friendly society
berlin fashion week
overground glam trash burlesque from the underground
berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week

berlin fashion week


Gertrude_Yuk said...

I love those pair of shoes!!!!that's so funny~~~

Unknown said...

i love that pair of shoes too! really want to wear them to work!