mel ottenberg photographer: terry richardson
Behind-The-Scenesters: Mel Ottenberg
—Maya Singer
“I don’t want the style to be noticed, per se. I just want the kid who’s reading the magazine to think, wow, that looks great.”
"I feel like styling is one of those careers where you’re kind of struggling until one day, you aren’t. I spent a long time keeping a notebook of ideas and showing it to photographers I liked when I had the chance to meet them.”
"I like simple, classic pieces, and it’s more about the way I handle the stuff. I spent a ton of time this past year washing things and making them look dirty. I don’t ever want the clothes to look like they came straight out of a FedEx box from the showroom. Sometimes guys get [annoyed] over me coming at them with my dirt or water bottles with my secret concoctions, but I always tell them it’s for their own good. Guys look hot a bit fucked up."
"For women, I’m big on sexy, too, but I like to get sick clothes from all over. Women’s fashion is a great way to express different moods, different energy. It’s more idea-driven and exotic, I’ve found; more about creating the exciting picture in my head. With men, it’s like, I want to be walking down the street with that guy. With women, it’s like, I want to go to that place where she is."
Do you think you have a signature, as a stylist?
"Maybe…a certain effortlessness."

艷濃的女妝,james franco在影樓一口應承
"...sometimes I’m going to the library or to a museum; sometimes I’m doing appointments at showrooms or scouting different vintage shops. The research is always key, even if I don’t wind up using it that much. And then there always seems to be a big scavenger hunt for the magic stuff that’s really going to pull everything together. I’m constantly looking for new jewelry, or an amazing shoe. There are days when I’m literally just wandering around the city, trying to figure it out. That’s usually about the time I’m thinking, well, this is impossible. But I like that moment, I like the fear. It keeps things exciting."
"My take is, a magazine is a client like any other, and they have the right to give you certain guidelines. You can look at that as a constraint, or you can look at that as an opportunity to innovate."
"I think you head that off by being really, really prepared. I come in with all my looks ready, and I’ve got my safety stuff and my push stuff, and because everything is kind of done, there’s not much of an opening for a big conversation about what someone likes or doesn’t like."
原文:style.com behind-the-scenesters: mel ottenberg
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