巴黎導演vincent moon與丹麥樂團efterklang聚首於丹麥郊區的小島,製造了一齣跟一張大碟同等長短的電影,電影正正關於他們的實驗演出。在小島的四天內,efterklang跟超過二百位來當地音樂人、小孩、家長合作,從自己第三張專輯magic chairs(2011年2月推出)內的曲目出發,合力泡製表演創作。
efterklang樂團及an island影片官方網

to a certain extent, music = money.
music is money, depends on your perspective. in fact music or any kind of creativity can be quantified, and be converted into cash. in capitalism, even you and me are just part of the capital
g, will you host a screening :)
would love to host one but don't have a place!
Just wanna let u know it should be 2010 instead of 2011. Ive found quite a lot of mistaken information on ur blog, hope u could make improvement as loads of kids are reading your blog.
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