只需要到動態消息頁面,拉到最底,點擊編輯選項,在題示動態來源中,選擇「你的所有朋友和專頁」,而非「你最常互動的朋友和專頁」即可。如果你不這樣做,facebook 便會自動過濾動態消息,只顯示你近來有聯絡的 facebook friends 的消息,換句話說,交友網絡的最大意義失效,真低b。
facebook 快將上市,我實在不明白他們為何一而再,再而三作出討厭的改變,彷彿要犯眾憎才心安理得。我不禁乘勢事投訴一次:facebook 的改版真是醜樣、愚蠢、多餘。

last week, facebook changed the options in its news feed settings so users either show posts from: “friends and pages you interact with the most” or from “all of your friends and pages.” some users have unknowingly been defaulted to the first option, causing lot of content to be hidden from them without their knowledge.
now go to news feed page, scroll down till the end. click edit options.
via insidefacebook

呵呵...唔講真係唔知要setting過先可以睇得晒啲動態...thx g
thanks for telling
呢個改動我前幾日已經發覺到,無啦啦有d fd嘅post睇唔到...FB真係無聊白痴!(夾硬逼人改先討人厭呀嘛=_=)
其實我又覺得多個選擇冇壞的, 因為朋友太多的話news feed 就會好似垃圾場咁,,乜鬼野都一大堆, 由其是係各類 facebook app自動post出來果D, 係咁炸你new feed 仲難頂!!!
oh...thank you so much!
i change the setting now!!!
Thanks for telling!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks~~ I have share this news woth my friends in FB~
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