18th march 09
Tone practice

spent 7 hours on this
not yet finished

tissues used by day end
more beautiful than anything i've ever drawn
20th march 09
'what should i draw?'
'relax your left hand, put it on the table and start.'

feeling bored in hotel room
starting to draw my left palm
found out the negative space technique works
starting not to be afraid of drawing
all you need is patience and concentration anyway
If you love your drawings, you will love to draw :-)
hi, i am a professional blogger for today.com and just wrote a little book review about your book. Here is a link to it - very interesting and enjoyable read. Keep playing!!!
just do ur best
and draw ur feeling
Are you taking drawing classes currently? It would be helpful if you take still life drawing / life drawing classes before going to the US. However I don't think it is necessary because you have have to retake all those classes all over again if you are doing undergraduate courses. By then you will be drawing day and night, not only 7 hours ;)
A bit of thought on your hand drawing: your outline is too strong.... try to build the drawing from the shape and tone difference instead of drawing a hard outline and fill in the details. But you will learn all that when you start school.
Which school did you end up choosing?
are you taking english class too?
o, to be perfectly honest, yr eng needs as much polishing as your drawing. perhaps a mere honest mistake, but i dont know, just a piece of advice.
great practice, keep up the good work!!
drawing techniques -- you will learn day by day, and pick it up in no time with continuous practice~
After all, I believe, the most important thing u need for art is actually your unique perspectives on art and on life, which you definitely have and you will keep on fostering it, I am sure~
good work, way to go!!!
take care~ =)
G...hate to say, but you still have long way to go...making good art does take time :)
RE: Anonymous said...
"G...hate to say, but you still have long way to go...making good art does take time :)"
G already have star power (at least in HK/HK circle)...She is already somewhat ahead of the game in terms of fame. Making quality stuff or not is almost secondary.
great drawings....
sometimes not to think is a good technique too...
try it..its fun...
Ga Yu Ar Gee..
I Love Drawing too..you stuff is koo..when i first started..i go around school everyday at lunch time and drawing anything that comes insite...
it really fun...
堆tissue ok wor,
I recommended 'The Book of a Hundred Hands' by George B. Bridgman if u want to be good at drawing hands. The book is hella cheap... copy the whole book (which I am doing now) Kirk shinmoto, a 21 years old talented instructor told me to do so...
hey,Chi,i like the tissues with charcoal crayon,as u said,thats beautiful texture ,like a t-shirt print!Artist always have their own way to look @ this world,thats a big remind,coz i will threw them away when i finished a drawing.....
work hard!
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