1st May, 2009
when i saw a guitar case
when i saw a guitar case
3rd May, 2009
when i was reading an old fashion magazine
(i didn't finish it because my hungry gay friends kept hastening me -.-')

8th May, 2009
when i saw a Lucien Freud

12nd May, 2009
when i was reading a new fashion magazine

11st May, 2009
when i wanted to send someone a gift
(no, she is not my granny but i will try to paint one someday)

when i was reading an old fashion magazine
(i didn't finish it because my hungry gay friends kept hastening me -.-')
8th May, 2009
when i saw a Lucien Freud
12nd May, 2009
when i was reading a new fashion magazine
11st May, 2009
when i wanted to send someone a gift
(no, she is not my granny but i will try to paint one someday)
Wow, G!
You make mama proud!!
婆婆好像是YT媽媽,是嗎? 其實是誰或抽象出來無所謂,這張畫得很好,我真的覺得很有親切感=). 卓韻芝加油呀!
Though I'm not fond in art
But I found your paints are good!
Keep it up!
wow... g, you are gorgeous
阿芝,你D畫赤越來越進步, 越來越靚WOR!!
i know little little dont want to be representative. but i fell you slowly slowly change have some material arrive.
painting is very peaceful and fun ai.
wow~!!! u did indeed improve a lot~~!!!!!! so good, I like the granny one!! keep it up!
you have the potential to become a female andy warhol. :)
so sweet =]
wow. seems your work is getting better n better. so happy for u , and so jealousy...
花蓮|花蓮民宿|花蓮|花蓮民宿訂房諮詢服務|花蓮民宿|花蓮旅遊|花蓮民宿|花蓮美食|花蓮旅遊|花蓮黃頁 網路電話簿|花蓮民宿|花蓮入口網 IN HUALIEN 吃喝玩樂樣樣通|花蓮民宿黃頁|花蓮美食|花蓮飯店|花蓮住宿|花蓮民宿|花蓮民宿|花蓮|花蓮|花蓮民宿|花蓮民宿訂房|花蓮旅遊|http://www.hl998.com.tw|花蓮旅館|花蓮|花蓮民宿黃頁|花蓮民宿推薦|花蓮民宿王|花蓮民宿網|花蓮民宿資訊網|花蓮海景民宿|花蓮海邊民宿|花蓮旅遊民宿|花蓮旅遊民宿|花蓮旅遊景點|花蓮廣告|花蓮民宿|花蓮派報|花蓮飯店|花蓮派報|花蓮旅館|花蓮美食|花蓮餐廳|花蓮小吃|花蓮名產|花蓮工作|花蓮新聞|花蓮租車|花蓮入口網|花蓮旅遊|花蓮旅遊|花蓮旅遊景點|花蓮旅遊|花蓮旅遊景點|花蓮民宿|花蓮房仲|花蓮旅遊景點|花蓮美食黃頁|花蓮餐廳|花蓮小吃|花蓮名產|花蓮租車旅遊資訊網|花蓮|花蓮旅遊|花蓮民宿|花蓮美食|花蓮旅遊|花蓮租車|花蓮旅遊
I like the picture about the old fashion magazine! Although it was not finished at all-_-
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