ok now this is getting interesting. after reading the comments submitted for this entry. more ideas are coming out. i feel an urge to reconstruct my interpretation a bit.
27th may: after 6 years, tv series 'lost' finally came to an end. there are still loads of blanks waiting to be filled in. i am more interested in filling in those gaps than to challenge the plot. there are so many unknowns in life that make us all storytellers. for we who are all creators when we try to make sense of... things.
(spoilers below)

lost contains numerous references to philosophy and the bible. 'the bible' refers to the holy books of both judaism and christianity. if jacob refers to the son of isaac and rebecca, does this make smokey a metaphor of jocob's twin brother esau? maybe that's why smokey 'cannot' have an official character name as this was extremely provocative. for it involved the history and interpretation of judaism and christianity. that's why the creators of lost specifically denied the island was not purgatory, i supposed.

the opening shot of the whole series and ending shot in finale episode were jack 'opening his eye' and 'closing his eye with a drop of tear' respectively. a typical metaphor of life journey, though season 6 implied that all characters of the plane crush were already dead at the very beginning. nevertheless, none of them realised they were already dead, that's why they 'opened their eyes' on the island, which refers to purgatory, a place in between heaven and hell; the condition or process of purification or temporary punishment.
it seems that most people don't agree the island is purgatory.
fred: even if it was purgatory, it would just be a purgatory to the oceanic people. according to dante's interpretation, purgatory is a place for all. it does not make sense if it was just for a certain group of people.
sk: I do believe everything happened (happen on the island was real. (It’s not purgatory) The island was/is real. Time travel was real. Jacob was real. MIB was real. DHARMA Initiative was real. Oceanic 815 did crush. (i.e. Some passengers died during the crush, but some like Jack, Hugo, your sexy Sawyer...and many others, they did survive at some point of time and experience the whole thing on the island or off the island. Some died before Jack, some died long after jack (like Hugo, maybe he’d die 2000 years later, who knows?)
Peter Kam 金培達: everything happened on the island including all the mythological and scifi BS is real. The flash sideways is the so called "purgatory"

however, according to my interpretation, what happened did actually happen. they did 'woke up' in purgatory, and oceanic 6 did traveled back to 'man's world'. but they felt an unexplainable inner void in man's world after that, for they were supposed to be already dead. oceanic 6 went back to purgatory, as they were 'meant to do so'.

the flash sideways referred to parallel universe, though not a parallel one indeed. this universe was created by the nuclear bomb explosion in the island triggered by jack- the scene in which julia sacrificed. the bomb exploded→ no oceanic plane crash at all → no one would be stuck in the island→ all characters landed los angeles safely→ everyone continued their 'normal' life→ they became strangers. fate linked them back together in man's world anyhow.
but since whatever happened (in another universe) had actually happened, they had a sort of 'memory residue' in them. as they were meant to be dead, in the last church scene, they 'have to' go to heaven (or judgment, or enlightenment, or reincarnation. ha whatever you would like to envisage). they remember, they let go.
SK: The flash sideway is made up by the losties themselves before they can let go and move on. Or I’d say, they needed the flash sideway so that they were able to step forward….for where they are going, I’m sure the light will lead the way.
howie: The Flash Sideways was the purgatory where they all went to after each of them died at different time. Where the Flash Sideways have no "here" or " when" . As Christine Shepherd told Jack that "some died before you, some died way after you" (for example Hurley and Ben must have died long after Jack and have stayed and protected the island as the new protectors) One line cleared up this confusion was when Hurley told Ben outside the church " You're a very good number 2. " and Ben replied to Hurley , "You're a great number 1."

Christian Shephard: This is a place that you... that you all made together so that you could fine one another. The most important part of your life was the time that you spent with these people. That's why all of you are here. Nobody does it alone, Jack. You needed all of them, and they needed you.
Jack Shephard: For what?
Christian Shephard: To remember. And to... let go.

for the 'stopper' in the heart of light, which jacob called it 'the wine cork to stop the evil', was a stopper to stop the 'rules' of the island: immortal smokey became human, richard grow old. in other words, once the stopped is removed, the path to 'another world' would be blocked. human were left alone. this 'situation' was very evil, i supposed? that's why smokey who urged to leave the island wanted to destroy the island utterly, for he knew the only way to leave was to separate human from higher power.
don't worry, i just focus on the underlying deep thoughts which inspires us, as i am not interested in challenging sci-fi storyline at all.
ok if the island is 'real', or, suppose there is such a place in man's world that can move, and upon this place which lied such a hole of light, this leads to another question: how does the 'rules' and the scenario of this island inspires us? the island is a place with positive aura. on the island, oceanic people found redemption, love, faith.... this synchronized the main theme of light. since all human being are tend to approach the origin of light. 'we are all have this light in our heart', but we still want to come closer to the origin of light. the oceanic 6 felt void after they left because they had not finished the searching in life blah blah blah.
what i want to convey is: there are always flaws in humanity (althogh this is a relatively concept). human grab it, but they do not know how to use it. for they approach the light with a limit mentality (including bad intention). that's why the higher power would like human to go through a journey instead of just placing human in the light directly. the story began with a person who (was born there and) wanted to leave: smokey. he was not like oceanic who went through man's world, he, however, wanted to leave simply because he was curious about the man's world. he was the 'opposite'.
however, curiosity is embedded in humanity, this conducted us a deeper thought: is smokey a sheer man in black? or is he just the very first person who challenged, who questioned the rule, who was being rebellious? this is like the game theory of batman and joker: without villain, can there be batman? without curiosity, can human be human? without skepticism, can we go through the journey of searching?

not everyone appeared in the island were already dead. there were two teams of people who used scientific way to reach the island: charles widmore team and daniel faraday team. they were the only people who arrived the island without being dead. widmore went there out of a desire for omnipotence (of being immortal) while faraday team was out of the pursuit of knowledge. maybe these were two side of the same coin, while both triggered human to approach 'truth'.
kevin: daniel faraday is widmore's son!
o yes, right. you got me, kevin. dharma initiative was the first group of people who found the island in 70's. widmore killed dharma team, ben was like a manager of widmore who managed 'the others' group.

no. i don't understand 60% of the story, i am just trying to see what i can get out of it. after all, we have invested 6 years in it, haven't we? grab your own thing and run, babe. before the creators of lost, we all lost. they won.

let's remember, and let go.
"Lost" season six indeed answered lots of our question about the shows, but maybe it left us asking more "why?" and "what?"
One of the question is "Did they all died during the plane crash?” I am going to disagree with you here, g. I don't think they all died during the crash. The closing credits led many viewers to think they died during the crash, but ABC had already explained later that they added the images of wreckage themselves to "allow the viewer to decompress before heading into the news". Here’s my interpretation: Everyone that survived were chosen by Jacob, or in some way, by fate. The island is served as a purgatory, not because they needed to be punished for what they did or purify them from their sins, but they all needed to learn how to have faith if they are going to be the island protector. The alternative is what they created by the nuclear bomb explosion in the island triggered by Juliet. Where they could meet up and “move on”, this explained why Jack was a father and Sawyer being a cop in the alternative life. The relationship between Jack and his father is always an obstruct that stops Jack from having faith. Being a father made him understand what his father did for him and finally already to trust and understand it’s ok not being the hero and let go. Jack being a man in science and now being a man in faith is one of my favourite about the ending. Sawyer being a con man is what he’s always ashamed of and why he always made other hated him and why he took every chance to kill himself. So deep in the heart, being a cop maybe is what he always wanted to do.
So what’s the “light”? Frankly, I don’t know. I will like to believe that it’s the light in everyone’s heart, and maybe that’s why Jacob’s mom told him that the light cannot be stolen?
Like many, I hope that the creators of Lost can tell us more. If the ending doesn’t answer all our questions, then like Christian Shephard said “Remember. And let go”. Who can argue this show has indeed give us six years of entertainment?
Love your sharing!!
I love this TV series very very much too!!!
Especially the ending , the last scene . The lines between father and son. "To remember and let go."
I love this sentence as a answer for the question why we were here. Why we living in this world?
Jack Father said : not now , here
you said many question of the blank , what's that ?
I love to discuss about this .
Nice recap, g!
Although the finale didn’t answer all the questions, I’m happy with the ending. It’s good that all of us can fill in the blanks based on our own imagination, theories and interpretation of life. (You’ve got your own theories too!)
I agreed that Lost is all about life experience, love, faith, fate or free will, light or dark, and letting go. However, I do believe everything happened (happen on the island was real. (It’s not purgatory) The island was/is real. Time travel was real. Jacob was real. MIB was real. DHARMA Initiative was real. Oceanic 815 did crush. (i.e. Some passengers died during the crush, but some like Jack, Hugo, your sexy Sawyer...and many others, they did survive at some point of time and experience the whole thing on the island or off the island. Some died before Jack, some died long after jack (like Hugo, maybe he’d die 2000 years later, who knows?)
The only possible purgatory is the flash sideway (LAX story). Many of us were thinking that Jack’s plan at S5 did work after Juliet hit the bomb. We believed everything is reset. The plane lands sound and safe at LAX while Juliet can still get the coffee sometime in this alternative reality. We thought we might have a better life if nothing happened, but, we were wrong! There is no do over. There is no shortcut…Whatever happened happened! The flash sideway is made up by the losties themselves before they can let go and move on. Or I’d say, they needed the flash sideway so that they were able to step forward….for where they are going, I’m sure the light will lead the way.
Sandy K:)
I agree what 珊 sharing.
except for last paragraph :
I think "Remember. And let go" for the life, is a answer not a question. The answer is not only for the jack , is for everyone included in the plane, included us.
G. Am I reading your words correctly ? The Flash Sideways isn't a parallel universe created after the nuclear bomb explosion. The Flash Sideways was the purgatory where they all went to after each of them died at different time. Where the Flash Sideways have no "here" or " when" . As Christine Shepherd told Jack that "some died before you, some died way after you"
(for example Hurley and Ben must have died long after Jack and have stayed and protected the island as the new protectors)
One line cleared up this confusion was when Hurley told Ben outside the church " You're a very good number 2. " and Ben replied to Hurley , "You're a great number 1."
So what happened happened.
I believe it's "Remember, let go, and MOVE ON"
everything happened on the island including all the mythological and scifi BS is real. The flash sideways is the so called "purgatory"
Before they came to the island, everyone on 815 were lost one way or another in their lives. On the island, they found redemption, love, faith...blah blah blah.
but at the end, they all died unfulfilled, so after they died, which is at different times, as Jack's father explained, some before Jack, some long after. They came to this "place" which does not follow the rule of time, to relive that part of their lives where Oceanic 815 did not crash. They went on to use the wisdom they learnt on the island to redeem themselves. Once they found that redemption together, and remember, they're ready to MOVE ON.
So, there you have it. None of the above is not true!!!! Hahahaha !
It was a great ride, I missed it already.
記唔記得教堂外,Hugo話Ben係good number 2,Ben係Hugo係good number 1? 好明顯佢地o係Jack死後共同工作,守護個島一段長時間,先會有咁既對話
(原來好多網友已指正,好彩懂看的朋友仍很多 :D)
G. I totally agree with your updated interpretation of the island's purpose.
"that's why the higher power would like human to go through a journey instead of just placing human in the light directly. "
As Jacob said, "It only end once, anything before that is just progress."
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