andy warhol, rene ricard, international velvet, ronnie cutrone
at betsy johnson's shop 'paraphernalia' by stephen shore, 1966
barbra streisand, elsa martinelli and marlene dietrich watching chanel opening in paris
by bill eppridge, 1966
patrick kelly by william klein “backstage” series, 1987
terry richardson, mick jagger, l’wren scott and daphne guinness, 2010
michael caine with his parents ellen and maurice micklewhite
kirk douglas, michael douglas and cameron douglas, 1979
tazio secchiaroli, anita ekberg and husband anthony steel, vecchia roma, 1958
jimi hendrix and policemen
françois truffaut, alfred hitchcock and helen g. scott, 1962
claude lelouch, jean-Luc godard, francois truffaut, louis malle and roman polanski
at cannes, 1968
jane birkin, george harrison and ringo starr
models in evening dresses surrounded by crowd of buyers, dior fashion show, paris
by n.r. farbman, 1951
liliane lijn, power game 1974
first row (left to right): matta, ossip zadkine, yves tanguy, max ernst, marc chagall, fernand léger; second row: andré breton, piet mondrian, andré masson, amédée ozenfant, jacques lipchitz, pavel tchelitchew, kurt seligmann, eugene berman
by george platt lynes 1942
from the left (back row): willem de kooning, adolph gottlieb, ad reinhardt, hedda sterne; (middle row): richard pousette-dart, william baziotes, jimmy ernst, jackson pollock, james brooks, clyfford still, robert motherwell, bradley walker tomlin; (foreground); theodoros stamos, barnett newman, mark rothko
by nina leen for life magazine " the irascibles" , 1951
60年代有彩色菲林嗎 ??
Anonymous NO.2: 也有1987和2010的呀.
to: Anonymous NO.2
g: 這些全是'found images'呀,原本就是黑白的。
60年代有彩色菲林嗎 ??
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