
Talking about art in terms if nothing but hard numbers and soft personal preferences is not only unproductive but also, in the long term, tedious.

any judgment on art ultimately remains arbitrary and subjective- and for precisely this reason, it must be all the more solidly and verifiably argued.

--Jorg Heiser 'All of a Sudden Things: That Matter in Contemporary Art'


Ayu said...

從他的文筆內,覺得他真是一個體貼的男友. 祝幸福快樂,甜甜蜜蜜^^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are there any spelling errors?
I'm not an art person, but I just saw "noy" and "reson". Maybe it's the artist who wants to show his points by putting them like this... I'm not sure...

卓韻芝 said...

to : Anonymous
g : you were right. they were typos. i was too sleepy last night:P thanks for reminding.

Norm said...

‘Everyone wants to understand art. Why not try to understand the song of a bird?’

Pablo Picasso