zeitgeist: moving forward

還記得我很久以前曾在電台節目中介紹過的「陰謀論」話題電影《zeitgeist(時代精神)》嗎?非常震撼的一齣——我重看了三次,寫下七千字文章,雖然最後沒有提交。這位導演peter joseph又有新作《zeitgeist: moving forward》。電影及字幕全天候免費下載。可惜電影剛推出,仍在逐步加上不同語言字幕,抱歉還未有中文。
zeitgeist: moving forward

觀看在zeitgeist: moving forward官方網


Jane Lizzle said...

If the movie is too long you could watch a condensed version of 10 mins here: http://dearandroidlinux.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/video-zeitgeist-venus-project/
But of course the full film would provide a more rounded theory. A very idealistic idea which I admire, but are we supposed to keep the Earth forever? and will everyone give up what they own for this 'friendly communism'? looking around London/Hongkong alone.. probably not.. but interesting :)

Jane Lizzle said...

有media就有陰謀論..最好看完自己judge.很多人為the phrase'陰謀論'而刻意拒絕了解這theory也是盲目!